Rocketbook For Principals
You captain a ship that supports students, staff, teachers, and parents, so we designed Rocketbook notebooks to address everyone’s needs. Whether it’s the weekly and monthly planner pages of the Fusion or the pocket-sized Mini, our resources seamlessly integrate with your digital online folders and is a perfect fit for any member of the school’s community.
Discover Infinite Potential For School
Allow students to take digital notes without distractions from other apps and notifications.
Each page of a Rocketbook can be reused every day, leaving your recycling bins a little less full.
Give your teachers and students an edge by allowing them to easily scan and transcribe their handwritten notes.
Let's Rewrite The Rules On Note Taking
Rocketbook’s notebook and app do more than simply scan and send notes. They provide a method for improved cognition via good old fashioned handwriting while allowing for students and teachers to collaborate digitally.
Additionally, by scanning and saving their notes, students are left with a complete portfolio of their work that they’ll always have access to.
Rocketbook’s pen and paper style keeps up with research about improved cognition from handwriting, while the notebooks’ scanning capabilities keep up with the push towards digital learning tools.
Since 2010, the number of states explicitly requiring handwriting instruction has resurged 200%
Students who write notes vs. type, test better and retain concepts almost 3 times longer.
Listen to the Educators

Mike RubinTeachers and counselors keep ongoing logs of student conversations. Having to take the notes, and then type them in order to submit them is an added layer that’s time consuming and inefficient.With Rocketbook, you can scan and send immediately.
Dr. Sally Creel"The beauty of Rocketbook is that it can help bridge the gap between accessibility to resources. Students can still do the work, and just upload it all later when they have access to a device."
Lukas ReikeEvery classroom is unique and Rocketbook is designed to support the individual needs of your students. From day to day organization to distance learning and collaboration.

Rocketbook + Google Classroom
Rocketbook works with Google Classroom! Take notes the good old fashioned hand! Then scan the work, submit the assignment, and organize all in one location online.
See What Real Students Think
Cool Tools For Schools
The Rocketbook App
Use any of our reusable notetaking products for a traditional handwriting experience - which actually makes you smarter (Google It!). We worked with several experts to develop our patented, futuristic technology, while keeping an authentic pen and paper feel.
No more notepaper guilt! Rocketbook products can be reused, so you can stop using your other paper notebooks and save trees. When paired with Pilot FriXion ink, the pages of your Core can be wiped clean with water and a cloth!
Got an iPhone or Android? Prepare to harness the future of notes in the palm of your hand. Use the free Rocketbook app to configure popular cloud services as your scan destinations. We’ve partnered with some of your favorite services, but you’re welcomed to stick to good ole email too!
Time for liftoff! Start scanning your notes, to-do lists, and out-of-this-world ideas. See green, snap, and your notes will be visually enhanced! Then, your scans will automatically blast off to their rightful cyber destination at the speed of light, err... your mobile connection.