5 User-Made Rocketbook Templates

Try these templates for free!

If you think we’re just going to provide you with free templates for your Rocketbook pages from real people and you’ll be able to just come in here and download them willy nilly….you’re exactly right!


These are 5 top-quality page templates made by real Rocketbook users. Pick the ones you like, then download and print to give em’ a flight test! Each template is made for a unique writing mission to satisfy all your note-taking needs:

  1. Meeting Notes: Keep A Record
  2. Health Log: Track Your Fitness
  3. Weekly Planner: Schedule Your Day
  4. Essay Outline: Organize Your Thoughts
  5. To-Do List: Stay Productive


1. Meeting Notes

 Be a team player by taking notes at your next work meeting, then scanning and sending those notes to all the attendees.

Meeting Notes template | created by Colleen Schake


Why This Template Rocks:

  • Handwriting meeting notes has been shown to improve retention of information greater than typing notes. Plus, if you do forget anything from the meeting…
  • You’ve got it saved! No more looking for a random piece of paper you might have used as a napkin during lunch one day. All your meeting notes are safely online for easy access. Want easier access? Well
  • After scanning your meeting notes, upload them to a dedicated folder online for your whole team to access. So anyone who missed the meeting (or fell asleep) can still keep up. Your team will thank you, and you’re off the hook for ever bringing donuts into the office.

Bonus Tip: Use our app’s smart title technology to automatically name your scans so you can easily search for meeting notes, even if it’s from last quarter. 


Use hashtags around your page titles (e.g. ##Page Title##) for added thrust to your organizational skills.


2. Health Log

 Monitor your fitness by tracking your exercise, eating habits, emotions, sleep, and more. Then, look back and marvel at your progress.

Health Log template | created by Rebecca Caldon


Why This Template Rocks:

  • Habit tracking is a proven technique that increases the likelihood of you achieving your goals. It’s not rocket science, but Rocketbook can help. Use this tracker to keep your health goals top of mind, and you’re more likely to hit them.
  • After you use this health log for a workout, scan and save it online with the Rocketbook App. Then, when you need some extra motivation, look back at your scans and your progress (or lack of progress, that can be just as motivating)!
  • This template has tons of fitness related information for you to fill in. But that doesn’t mean you have to fill in all of it. Pick what you want to keep track of and focus on that!

Bonus Tips: Physical health is important! Use your notebook as a Fitness Tracker or as a Meal Planner to launch your health tracking into the stratosphere.

*Bonus* Bonus Tip: Mental health is important! Check out our beginners guide to meditation to keep calm, and…um, meditate on.


3. Weekly Planner

 Organize your life, one week at a time, one day at a time, and even one hour at a time with this weekly planner template.

Weekly Planner template | created by Ashley Bell


Why This Template Rocks:

  • We don’t need to tell you about the scientific benefits that result from adding some planning to your life…but we will anyway. Planning helps you stay organized, improves goal-achievement, and can foster mental clarity.
  • Need to share your plans with a friend, family-member, or coworker? Simply send a scan of your Weekly Planner and they’ll have your full calendar faster than you can say “space cowboy”. Okay, not that fast, but pretty fast.
  • Let’s paint a picture: it’s 2pm, you’re out on an errand and can’t remember if you have a big meeting at 2:30 or 4:30. Normally, this would be a disaster scenario. But, since you’re smart (and incredibly good looking) you have a scan of this Weekly Planner template with you to check your exact schedule for the day. Phew!

Bonus Tip: Want to double-down on your planning skills? Or maybe you just really like thinking about the future (we’re with you on that, by the way). Learn all the best ways to use the Rocketbook Panda Planner to foster happiness and productivity.



4. Essay Outline

 Organize your essay, one section at a time, one paragraph at a time, and even one line at a time. Whoa, we just got déjà vu all of a sudden.

Essay Outline template | created by Angela Thompson


Why This Template Rocks:

  • Writing essays may not be your idea of a fun time. And that’s okay. This outline helps make the process of getting your ideas on paper easier by providing an outline for…well, getting your ideas on paper.
  • Working on a group project? Scan and share your outline with your group for approval. Or submit your outline to a teacher for feedback. Or publish it online for recognition and glory of the greatest outline ever written. It’s completely up to you.
  • In addition to the convenience and efficiency this essay outline template. offers, your final essay will also benefit. With a proper thesis and structure, your writing will benefit and (perhaps) so will your grades.

Bonus Tip: Level up more than just your essay writing. Use the Rocketbook system to use one notebook for every class. It’s a futuristic method for a futuristic student (that’s you).



5. To-Do List

 Keep one list for everything you have to do from now until 2088. It might be a long list, but it’s simple, uncomplicated organization.

To-Do List template | created by Paula Butler


Why This Template Rocks:

  • There’s endless methods for managing all your responsibilities: post-it notes, whiteboards, tattooing reminders onto your body, etc. Combine all of those ideas into one with a unified, single to-do list.
  • In addition to the mental clarity that comes from being able to see all your tasks on one page, you’ll get added satisfaction from this template. Every time you complete a task, check it off! The dopamine hit from that little check will provide momentum into your next to-do.

Bonus Tip: Get smart with your to-do list by using Smart Lists in the Rocketbook app. 

*Endless Templates*

 At Rocketbook, we make notebooks that can be reused endlessly. So it only makes sense that we give you the power to create an endless amount of your own, custom-made templates.


Why This Rocks:

  • With our free downloadable Rocketbook pages at pdfs.getrocketbook.com, you can design and share your very own templates or worksheets with all your coworkers.
  • Put your own text on the custom template! Then you can write on the page, scan, and save it (via the Rocketbook app).
  • Need template inspiration? You’re in luck. Rocketbook’s Facebook groups are a well of ideas for custom page designs. Check out the Rocketbook Users Facebook group to see what other Rocketbook Pros are using their pages for.

With Great Templates, Comes Great Responsibility

Now that you’ve been equipped with these 5 templates from Rocketbook super users, go forth and conquer. Or, at least, take some great notes. Download, print, and scan these templates to make the most of your new note-taking capabilities. Got a custom template of your own to share? Post it on social media and tag us with @GetRocketbook.


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