How We Built the Axis’ Modularity

Modularity doesn’t grow on trees, you know.

You know the expression. “It’s not rocket science”. Crafting the Rocketbook Axis wasn’t rocket science, but there was an otherworldly effort by our product engineers to make this the most advanced, best looking notebook in the galaxy.

Hop aboard (watch the video below) with your flight captain, Vince Tsai (Rocketbook product engineer) to see the journey that the Axis went on to achieve modularity with its Page Packs and metal rings. Then, check out the Rocketbook Axis on Kickstarter!



How the Axis Got its Rings

Before even a single nail is hammered into place, a product starts as an unassuming idea (please note: none of our notebooks require nails or hammers). In this case, Rocketbook co-founders decided that legal pads’ wasteful and unattractive design had been accepted for too long. Additionally, they saw this as the perfect opportunity to make good on our users’ requests for a more modular note-taking experience. As a side note: at this point, the Orbit was simply named the Rocketbook legal pad…not the best demonstration of our creativity.

1. The Background

Back before the Axis even had a name (and was still under the codename “RB2”), our product team were working on perfecting the rings that would allow for the notebook’s modularity. They eventually opted for high-density steel rings because they’re durable and strong. Too strong, it turns out.


2. The Problem

Our engineers quickly learned that steel has “memory”, which means when you fold them into the ring shape, they want to return to their original shape (i.e. not rings). However, to built a great notebook, the rings had to be clamped shut tightly, which meant we had to build a machine strong enough to counteract the issue caused by the steel’s memory.


3. The Solution

After many Zooms, socially distant user testing with the Rocketbook team, and prototyping, we had our machine: the Rocketbook Clamper-5000. This is an originally designed manufacturing machine that has the duality of precision and strength. That is, it can keep the Axis’ rings tightly closed, but without damaging their integrity or ruining their sleek aesthetic. Mission accomplished.

Now you know our secrets; that’s how the Rocketbook Axis got its wings. If you’re very confused and don’t know what the Rocketbook Axis is, why did you read this far down? Just kidding, you can learn more about the Axis on Kickstarter.



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